Dementia Research Network Ireland (DRNI)
Prevention, Cure & Care for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Dementia Research Network Ireland (DRNI) is an innovative, all-Ireland research initiative which supports and facilitates collaborative interdisciplinary research integrating the basic, clinical and social sciences in dementia and neurodegenerative disease. DRNI seeks to improve outcomes for people with dementia/ neurodegenerative disease through improving our understanding of the causes and mechanisms of dementia/ neurodegeneration, the effectiveness of different models of care, and the policy changes required to improve individuals’ quality of life. DRNI is funded by the Health Research Board.
The network currently comprises over 90 members. Membership includes leading Irish academics, clinicians, health & social care practitioners, early-career researchers, government representatives, community & voluntary sector members, people living with dementia and Parkinson’s disease, and carers.
The inter-disciplinary nature of the network reflects the emerging international evidence of the role of multi-modal influences on dementia and neurodegeneration. It reflects the network members’ belief that the integration of knowledge and practice from diverse research traditions has the potential to radically improve our understanding of dementia and neurodegeneration, in relation to prevention, cure and care.
Visit DRNI Website: http://dementianetwork.ie/
Follow DRNI on twitter: @DRNIre
Contact & Membership Enquiries: info@dementianetwork.ie